Director Corners
Dear students, have you seen a ladder? It connects the bottom to the top. Reverse your direction at the ladder and you may reach at the bottom. In the same manner labour in right direction keeps you on top otherwise you will be in a 'ditch'.
Today it is a million dollar questions of getting success in life after overcoming the throat cut competitions. Here, I come across with the English novelist Huyho who says people do not lack strength, they lack will. It means iron will is the master key to get success in every field of life.
In competitive exam, it has more important to leave rather than what to read. Read selective but extensive. It means to know something about everything and everything about something keeps you ahead in the arena of competitive exam. It is always everyone's endeavour to chase, hunt and achieve what they desire to be.
So, dear students arise, awake and do not stop till the goal is achieved because time and tide wait for none. Adjust the time with us and enjoy the tide of success. "CAREER CENTRE" was set up to eliminates the fear from the mind of students that getting a govt. Job is a hard nut to crack. It is not only an educational institution but a legacy of "Gurukul Tradition" for making you a complete human being. It does not matter how big your career aspirations are, we provide you a tailor made opportunity to make sure that it is in your reach. Be a member of "CAREER CENTRE" to tune yourself with Success......Success.......Success.