About Our Faculties

Global College Principal Message

Global Inter College, a premier educational institution of the city, is known for its commitment to excellence.
The school is committed to provide a safe environment and to help students reach their full potential making them imbibe the right values, creating a mindset for excellence and nurturing them to responsible and caring citizens. We always try to maximise our existing strengths, address areas of concern and develop goals for bringing a positive change.

The strength of the Vidyalaya, are the Staff, Students and the Parents. With the needs of students as a pivotal point, PTA and staff will be in liaison at all times to bestow the best to the children.
A motivated teacher infuses a motivated mind. My ardent effort would be to build around me highly kindled faculty ever enthused to lead the young minds in the right direction. It will be my mission to share strong rapport with all my faculty members and other colleagues. Frequent sessions with children, to resolve all their problems, will be my priority, at all times. It is my strong belief that with motivation-evolves a sense of inspiration, which fructifies a well blossomed whole. My aim would be to give to this immediate world of ours, the most colorful blossoms.
Dear students, you are often more aware of your limitations than your potential. I strongly feel that the only limits that you have are the ones that you place on yourself. If you have the will to succeed in life, nothing can stop you. Anew academic year is full of new possibilities and an opportunity to be better than you were yesterday.